Artengo Racket Review: That's what our testers say!
Artengo is currently shaking up the racquet market and is convincing with inexpensive racquets! Seven tennisnet readers had the chance to play three racket models intensively - read their impressions here! Maybe there is also a racket for you?
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Dec 22, 2022, 09:21 pm

Tester Simon Zeitler (LK 7) experimented with a little lead at 3 and 9 o'clock, also to generate a little more power. It weighed 325 grams when strung. "I felt much more comfortable in this setup, could play more spin-heavy and strong from the baseline and control my opponents much better," was his verdict. He also had more stability on the net. He also sees strength in control. "Even in the heavier, adapted version, this control is maintained and is even improved by the increased stability. Definitely a racquet for players who can generate their own power and tend to play an aggressive game without getting too defensive. "
Tester Ingmar Demeke (LK 3) praised the balance and grip, "the racket is fun, is a reliable partner and has no weaknesses," was his impression. But he also wanted more stability, he would rather compensate for the low power with a softer stringing. "The biggest advantage is the price (RRP €109.99). Unrivaled. And that with virtually the same performance," says Ingmar. "I've tested many top racquets from Babolat, Head, Dunlop etc. over the past few years and I don't see any difference. I haven't played the current Wilson Blade yet, but the Artengo is probably going in that direction."
The power rattle of the Artengo series - in the heavier version with 300 grams (unstrung). For tester Antonio Trifan (LK 14), especially when serving, it was a win: "My hitting partners and I affectionately called the Artengo the 'red rocket'," says Antonio, who partly felt like John Isner. "Sometimes I wasn't aware that I'm able to serve so quickly." In terms of comfort, too, he felt well served - and also with the power in the game. However, at the expense of control: Here the speed with the forehand was simply too much for him. "I felt like I had to hold back on the follow through here and use more of the swipe than swing motion to still be able to control the ball. So in terms of groundstrokes, this racquet is definitely best suited for players who generally find it difficult to put pace into their groundstrokes," he said.
Tester Tim Fischer (LK 1) had the pleasure of testing the TR990 Power alongside the TR960 Control. He praised the power with good control at the same time - as well as the kick on serve. Also access to spin from the baseline - "on forehand and backhand it was very easy to pull the ball aggressively into the corners," he felt. "Personally, I've played Head Prestige and Wilson Blade and I have to say that the Artengo TR990 Power Pro was a very comfortable racquet despite its completely different playing characteristics. I would put it in a category with the Pure Drive, which in my opinion is worse has played.
The impression of our tester from the tennisnet editorial team was similar, more of a "classic" player with a smooth forehand and a lot of slice. That was pure pleasure, the ball came with a lot of bite on the opposite side. But just play the forehand in? Difficult to control. Spin was needed here, only 'dodling in' a ball rarely worked well - it would then fly three meters behind the baseline. There was a lack of stability at the net, the racquet tilted away slightly when the volleys were not hit exactly, just let the ball drain away... probably not. In general, a racquet for a more modern game. The impression was also confirmed when the playing partner grabbed the TR 990 Power Pro: He usually plays with the Babolat Pure Drive and got along well with the test racket!
The lighter model (at 285 grams unstrung) gave our two testers different feelings.
Tester Matthias Mühle (LK 14) found "Control and maneuverability were fine from the first shot." The racquet went through the air quickly - and was also quick on the ball on the net. It also gives the highest score in terms of comfort and control. But not in terms of power: "Due to the low weight and my hitting technique, I have to invest a lot in the shot to have enough power." He rated the control as "the absolute strength of the racket. I really had the feeling of being able to place the ball in a super controlled manner." He also awarded the highest score in terms of comfort.
Tester Chistoph Detje (LK 13.3), on the other hand, was impressed by the power and rotation - as were his playing partners. He had more control problems, "I had to get the sweet spot very clean to place the ball well. Mistakes weren't easily forgiven and often turned into a lot of harshness and little control." A pure joy for him: the serve: "The slice serves far to the outside didn't want to rise after the impact and the speed that the frame provided as an extra brought even more joy to the serve game than I already have." His verdict: "For hard hitters like me, who already hit the ball with a lot of power, the TR990 Power is rather unsuitable because the power is simply too high. The TR990 Power is a well-designed piece of tennis technology that I particularly recommend to players who play slowly and are looking for a racquet that will add speed to their existing game."