More than 900,000 fans: Australian Open celebrate record attendance
A total of 902,312 spectators were there live during the Australian Open .
by Florian Goosmann
last edit:
Jan 29, 2023, 07:49 pm

The organizers reported this on the final Sunday.
It was attended by 45,832 fans - not all of whom were at the start in the Rod Laver Arena (14,820 seats), of course. But mostly with a ground pass on the Melbourne Park facility in order to still experience the final match between Novak Djokovic and Stefanos Tsitsipas locally and on screen.
Previous final Sunday record was 31,020 fans in 2020.
Thanks in part to these spectators at the facility, the Australian Open set a new attendance record: 839,192 fans attended this year's edition within the two main draw weeks! And including the qualifying days: a proud 902,312 spectators.
It is probably only a matter of time before 1 million is cracked.
laver arena