
Tennis as an economic factor: In Austria alone, value added of 680 million euros

More than 400,000 people play tennis at least occasionally, 180,000 Austrians are registered in clubs. This makes the ÖTV the second largest sports association in the country and generates added value of 680 million euros. For the first time, a study by SportsEconAustria has highlighted the economic and health economic importance of tennis in Austria as well as the importance of voluntary work.

by PM
last edit: Oct 12, 2021, 02:06 pm

The tournaments in Kitzbühel (picture), Vienna and Linz are also spurring the tennis boom
© GEPA Pictures
The tournaments in Kitzbühel (picture), Vienna and Linz are also spurring the tennis boom

Tennis is one of the most important popular sports in Austria. Nevertheless, the overall economic importance of tennis is underestimated: “Tennis is a cross-sectional matter that is reflected in a large number of sectors and not just in clubs or sports organizers. From production to retail to sports betting and media: around a quarter of all economic sectors are directly related to tennis ”, says Christian Helmenstein, the managing director of SportsEconAustria.

"Tennis does not only have a sporting and economic impact," says ÖTV President Magnus Brunner. “Tennis contributes to more exercise and thus a more active, healthier way of life. This is reflected in a reduction in health costs. In addition, there are socio-economic effects, such as the importance of voluntary work and the contributions to inclusion, integration and equality, the effects of which have never been examined before. "

For this reason, the economic and health economic importance of tennis as well as the importance of voluntary work was examined in more detail for the first time. In the spring of 2021, a comprehensive primary data collection was carried out among the clubs
of the ÖTV, which for the first time gives comprehensive insights into the clubs - from offers and members to employees, volunteer work and how they were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Economic Effects

If you summarize all tennis-relevant areas of the economy, tennis stands for a direct added value of 400 million euros. Due to the importance of volunteering and the non-profit orientation, only a very small one is omitted here
Share of 1% on the tennis clubs. Including those effects that are triggered by suppliers and income effects, this amount increases to almost 680 million euros. The economic leverage effect emanating from tennis is
a remarkable one: with every euro that is raised in tennis itself, another 70 cents are stimulated in other industries. With a total of 240 million euros, the tax authorities also benefit not insignificantly from tennis.

With regard to employment effects, it can be seen that tennis directly and indirectly creates and secures more than 11,800 jobs in Austria: 5,768 of these are directly attributable to tennis. With every job in tennis
consequently another job is created or secured in the rest of the economy (employment multiplier of 2.05).

A special focus should be directed to the tennis clubs: only 121 employees are currently employed in tennis clubs. “The ongoing operations in Austria's tennis clubs are therefore largely controlled by the
20,757 volunteer employees who do a total of 2.7 million hours of voluntary work, which corresponds to a value of 51.2 million euros, ”emphasizes the ÖTV President. “This is every day in tennis Austria
7,400 hours of volunteer work. More than 1,550 full-time equivalent jobs would be required to do this volume of work. "

Health economic effect

Physical exercise, and thus also tennis, have a multitude of positive physical, psychological and social effects. These range from a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes to an improved one
Blood circulation and oxygen supply, a lower risk of heart attack and stroke up to a preventive effect with regard to various types of cancer or depression. Movement does not only affect individuals
positive, but also pays off for the economy as a whole by reducing the costs of inactivity (costs in health care, sick leave costs, costs for early retirement, ...).

The tennis sport practiced in Austria's clubs already avoids costs of more than 106 million euros if the comparatively low accident costs of 7.8 million euros are already deducted. "Tennis brings our country 680 million euros in added value and 12,000 jobs every year - and the trend is rising!", Says Magnus Brunner. “However, tennis is equally an investment in health and prevention. I therefore appeal to the younger generation in particular to integrate as much sport and exercise as possible into their everyday lives. Top athletes like Dominic Thiem can serve as motivation and role models for this. "

by PM

Oct 12, 2021, 02:30 pm
last edit: Oct 12, 2021, 02:06 pm