Relief for players: Wimbledon is considering changing the dress code
There could be a dress code change at Wimbledon soon. This should refer to the underwear color of players.
last edit:
Nov 12, 2022, 09:38 am

Wimbledon organizers are giving serious thought to a rule change regarding the color of underwear for players. This is reported by the "Daily Mail" . Accordingly, the requirement to wear white underwear in addition to white outerwear should already be history in the coming year.
"It is very important to us to put women's health first and to support the players according to their individual needs," Wimbledon said in a statement. "Talks are currently being held with the WTA, the manufacturers and the medical teams". So you want to find the best possible solution.
This year there had been numerous protests during the tournament. Some female tennis fans held up placards that read "Address the dress code." The background to the planned change in the rules are statements by players that they suffered from great stress during menstruation.
Judy Murray recently stressed the importance of "having a lot of women on the decision-making body because they know what it's like to have a menstrual cycle and they understand the fear of that happening during the game." With Sally Bolton, the All England Lawn Tennis Club (AELTC) has a woman as Managing Director for the first time in history.