Doping expert Fritz Sörgel: "Nadal under permanent suspicion"
In an interview with Sport1, the renowned doping expert Fritz Sörgel evaluates the two current doping cases of Nicolas Jarry and Robert Farah and raises serious accusations against the current number one in the world, Rafael Nadal.
by Michael Rothschädl
last edit:
Jan 19, 2020, 04:33 pm

What was the day of tennis like last Tuesday? First it was announced that Chilean Nicolas Jarry had been banned temporarily due to a positive doping test, and a few hours later the current number one in the double world ranking, Robert Farah, announced that it had tested positive for illegal substances. A lock also awaits him. The two most recent cases put tennis back at the center of long-lasting doping discussions. The doping expert Fritz Sörgel now joins them, who, in an interview with Sport1, does not say a good word about how those responsible in tennis deal with doping.
“Tennis is in the top four when it comes to doping. Anabolic steroids are the classic, ”explains the professor from Nuremberg. The reason for this is the intensity of the sport and the resulting strain on the players. Sörgel stamped excuses that Jarry and Farah had inadvertently taken the substances - as the two claimed in their first statements. "The fact that they are exposed is usually because they made a mistake. For example, they incorrectly calculate the time when they have to be clean again. "
The two youngest doping suspects now have the opportunity to present their views in proceedings. The extent of the sentence will then be announced. Sörgel sees a negative development, especially when dealing with doping sinners: “For some years now, the public has been somewhat deadened compared to positive doping tests in sports. This often leads to mild penalties. ”Here he sees above all the responsibility of the media, whose attention is extremely important for these cases.
"Nadal showed some abnormalities"
When asked which of the big tennis players he suspected of being doped, Sörgel mentioned above all an athlete. And none other than the current world number one, Rafael Nadal. The German professor had a permanent suspicion against him: “Rafael Nadal has shown some abnormalities. Regarding regeneration and all of its athletics. Anabolic substances would be the candidates here. ”The Mallorcan is repeatedly confronted with doping allegations - and also actively defends himself against those who accuse him of taking illicit substances. For example, against the former French Minister of Sport Roselyne Bachelot, whom he went to court in 2017 after alleging doping.
In the course of this matter, Nadal has also shown that it is almost impossible to dope in tennis. “We have to be available for an hour for drug testing every day. 365 days a year, ”the 19-time Grand Slam champion told La Gazzetta dello Sport at the time. In addition, Nadal praised the job that ATP does in the fight against doping: "ATP takes the matter very seriously." This is also borne out by the cases of Jarry and Farah, which nevertheless fell through their drug tests despite extremely low doses in the blood.