"Go, man, raise children, do something different" - Papa Djokovic again blasphemes about Roger Federer
Srdjan Djokovic just can't help it. In a conversation with the Serbian talk show "Spo (r) tlight" he once again blasphemed about Roger Federer .
by Florian Goosmann
last edit:
Jun 28, 2020, 05:40 pm

He had actually started with an interesting story about the childhood of Novak Djokovic - about when, from his point of view, it was worth investing everything in the "job" for a tennis future. Fully aware that everything could have been in vain due to just one bad injury.
Why son Novak is so strong? According to sportklub.rs, it is up to the mental. "Because he doesn't win with a forehand or a backhand, but with what he has in mind." In general, Novak is "a compilation of the best qualities of my wife and me. He came together in one, he took the good for himself."
# AD #
Djokovic accuses Federer of "hostility"
So far so good. Of course, the conversation did not end here. But with an attack on Srdjan Djokovic's favorite enemy image: Roger Federer. How could it be that Federer was still the most successful and best tennis player in the world? Well, that is a fact that will be measured by the results and will not last long. "Because he has so much hostility towards Novak," Srdjan Djokovic continued.
A certain kind of respect has developed over time. "But why does he still play at 40? Imagine that a 40-year-old man still plays tennis even though he could go home and do other interesting things." Papa Djokovic had expressed similar thoughts a few years ago, at the time it was incomprehensible to him why Federer was still playing at 34 .
Srdjan Djokovic to Federer: "Go skiing!"
According to Srdjan Djokovic, Federer was still playing because Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic came so close to him. "He just can't accept that they'll be better than him." And Djokovic asked Federer: "Go, man, raise children, do something else. Go skiing."
For his son, tennis is not his whole life, just his current hobby.
As Srdjan will think about it, should Novak Djokovic play for a few more years? In a conversation with Graham Bensinger , the world number one had only recently declared that he too could imagine standing on the tennis court at the age of 40 ...