Jaden Gil Agassi: Baseball instead of tennis
Jaden Gil Agassi , the son of Steffi Graf and Andre Agassi, is only partially following in his parents' footsteps.
by Florian Goosmann
last edit:
Nov 30, 2019, 05:03 pm

30 Grand Slam titles unite Steffi Graf and Andre Agassi - with "Miss Forehand" winning the lion's share with 22 pieces. When the joint son Jaden Gil was born in October 2001, the odds were not so bad that he too would step into the tennis footsteps of his parents.
But that will not matter. Jaden Gil, who received his middle name after Agassis legendary fitness coach Gil Reyes, has been on the baseball field for some years, rather than on the tennis court. He has now signed an NLI (National Letter of Intent) at the University of Southern California, a binding agreement between a sports student and a college that grants a scholarship to the student.
The University of Southern California is located in Los Angeles.
Agassi and Graf - as well as Count's mother Heidi - were present at the conclusion of the contract.
Without pressure from Andre Agassi and Steffi Graf
Whether Jaden Gil, currently 18 years old, possibly even starts a professional career? Quite possible. Agassi is considered one of the greatest talents and has been in baseball fever for years. "I love baseball, there is nothing better in the world," he said last year. However, he never got pressure from his parents. "They want me to have fun as long as possible."
That he could imagine skipping the university if he offered a professional contract? Apparently no question. "Oh yes, definitely," says Agassi. For the University of Southern California, he has long left only words of praise. "There's nothing better, it's close to my home and I love the coaches and the facilities."