Marius Copil on tennisnet's Instagram livestream: "I miss Germany"
Marius Copil surprised on Saturday evening with his good mood and excellent German on tennisnet's Instagram livestream with Christopher Kas . The Romanian spoke about his affinity with Germany, why he did not want to play tennis in the past and which video game he convinced.
by Lukas Zahrer
last edit:
Mar 29, 2020, 08:26 am

Copil actually wanted to be a football player. At the request of his father, seven-year-old Marius also started playing tennis, which he didn't like at all. "My father didn't want me to be one of those self-defeating footballers," Copil told tennisnet.
The Copils are generally a large family of athletes: Marius' father Caciun was once a national player in rugby, his mother Vasilica made it into the Romanian handball selection. He was allowed to play football until Marius was twelve, but went to the tennis club at the same time.
Gradually, however, he focused on tennis. Because he was a bit smaller than his peers, Copil focused particularly on the serve so as not to be at a disadvantage compared to his opponents. The extra units paid off: Today, Copil is one of the top-serving players on the ATP tour. With a service of 242 km / h, he is the record holder at the Australian Open.
Copil is currently spending the Corona curfew in his hometown, Bucharest. Like so many other tennis stars, he spends his time in home isolation with video games. Coach Andrei Pavel's protégé prefers Counter Strike FIFA.
“At 16, 17, I played up to six hours a day. After a five-year break, I have started to gamble again. But a maximum of one and a half hours a day, I have my little son here, then my girlfriend will not be too happy, ”said Copil. Copil first became a father in early February.
The time at home is going well. “Living with me is difficult. I don't like being touched in my sleep, but I'm happy that my girlfriend understands everything. ”
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Marius Copil: Connections to Germany
Copil has some connections to Germany, which is why he speaks fluent German in addition to Romanian, English, Spanish and Italian. For example, he attended a German kindergarten, his trainer Andrei Pavel moved to Germany in his youth and still lives in North Rhine-Westphalia.
Basically, Copil is also intended for the Bundesliga team of the GHTC Gladbach. “I would be happy if I can play. I miss Germany, white sausages and sweet mustard, ”said Copil.
In January 2019, the 29-year-old achieved his best career placement in the world rankings with 56th place; after two defeat series of six and five bankruptcies in the 2019 season, he is currently in 18th place.
He probably played his best tournament so far in Basel 2018 when he beat two top 10 players as qualifiers with Marin Cilic and Alexander Zverev and only had to defeat Roger Federer in the final.
In addition to Copil, Philipp Kohlschreiber was also a guest of Christopher Kas on Saturday. Kohli talked about his greatest career triumphs, schnapps and his day on a tractor . Antonia Lottner, Dennis Novak, Kevin Krawietz and Lucas Miedler also made a short appearance on the livestream.
Sunday's live interviews continue on our Instagram channel. From 6 p.m., a live cooking session with Peter Gojowczyk awaits on Sunday! You can find our Instagram channel under the handle @tennisnetnews .