Operation - Long break for Barbara Haas
Austria's best tennis player Barbara Haas has to undergo surgery on her wrist and will leave the ÖTV performance center in Südstadt after the rehab. The return to Linz is planned.
by PM
last edit:
Sep 09, 2021, 09:31 am

Barbara Haas, who has not been able to play painlessly for months and not least because of this, has dropped to number 171 in the WTA world rankings, has to undergo surgery on her wrist and cannot pick up the bat for at least six months.
The 25-year-old, who moved to Südstadt in early 2021 and was trained by ÖTV sports director Jürgen Melzer, will leave the ÖTV performance center after rehab and return to Linz. Your coach in the performance center of the Upper Austrian Tennis Association will be Jürgen Waber, who had previously looked after Haas.
"I am glad that I and those around me have now decided to have an operation on the wrist," says Haas. "This year was really very difficult for me because I always played in pain and could never train one hundred percent."