Report: Wimbledon 2021 not insurable against pandemic
The world-famous lawn tennis tournament in Wimbledon will not be able to insure itself for a pandemic event in the coming year, despite the corona crisis. The British daily "The Telegraph" reported, citing testimony from tournament organizer Richard Lewis.
last edit:
Jun 29, 2020, 11:21 am

The Grand Slam tournament in London, which started on Monday, had little financial damage this year as the event was insured against communicable diseases with a seven-figure sum.
In addition to the organizers of the All England Club, the British umbrella organization was able to compensate for the revenue lost through the cancellation, according to the article in the "Telegraph".
However, the same procedure is impossible next summer due to the current situation, said Lewis. Communicable diseases are currently not insurable. However, he was certain that it would be possible to conclude a contract soon after the end of the pandemic. A total of over ten insurance companies were involved in the compensation payments.
Due to the corona virus pandemic, the official game operation on the tennis tour is currently suspended until July 31. The classic lawn at Wimbledon had already been canceled. Despite the corona virus pandemic, the US Open in New York is scheduled to take place from August 31 to September 13 under strict hygiene and safety requirements. The French Open will follow shortly thereafter. Both tournaments did not prepare for the extreme case of a pandemic like Wimbledon.
"We are still in a good position, which is really strange because we just had to cancel the tournament," said Lewis. "We are very stable financially. We still need two or three months to complete the entire insured event."