Robin Haase: Now available to hire as a babysitter!
Dutchman Robin Haase was a guest of Kasi on Instagram on Sunday ( tennisnetnews ) - and surprised with a great part-time job.
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Mar 30, 2020, 03:12 pm
Kasi was live on Instagram again on Sunday evening - and in addition to Sascha Bajin , Christopher Kas also had a conversation with Dutchman Robin Haase this time.
And Haase, number 33 in the ranking in 2012, impressed with his job during the Corona crisis: Because he can be booked as a babysitter on a Dutch platform for anyone who is looking for supervision for their kids because of their job. A great offer, we think! Haase is not the only one: Moritz Thiem, brother of Dominic Thiem, is also deployed in Corona times through the army and delivers groceries for supermarkets.
Also at Kasi in talk: tennis protégé Peter Gojowczyk, who, as a gourmet chef, even surprised his coach with a vegan tartare. The recipe to imitate - here!
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By the way, tonight at 6 p.m. at Kasi live, Nicolas Massu, the coach of Dominic Thiem, is visiting. There are also clubs from Thiem and Alexander Zverev to be won. Turn on! (Instagram: tennisnetnews )
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